AI Green Irony News

AI-enabled Applicant Screening Delivered by Our MuleSoft OpenAI Connector

AI and Integration

The general release of ChatGPT in November of 2022 changed everything. Unique use cases for ChatGPT poured in every day, changing previously-held beliefs on what was possible.

Since connectivity enables everything, we knew OpenAI’s API would open up even more possibilities. So we began investing in creating our own OpenAI Connector for MuleSoft to make connectivity easy. We knew that while we were working on enabling connectivity, we’d be able to think of lots of great ways to use it when it was ready.

And we did. Below is our first organizational use case integrating into OpenAI’s services, and it’s been incredibly valuable to Green Irony already. 

The Problem

Like many technology companies, Green Irony receives a huge volume of resume submissions to open job postings. 

This can be both a blessing and a curse.

It’s a blessing because we have the reach and employment brand to attract hundreds of applicants to open positions within days of posting.

It’s a curse because someone needs to go through these resumes and whittle them down into a candidate pool for phone interviews. With techniques like keyword stuffing now combined with the likes of AI-generated resumes, properly screening resumes is getting more challenging by the day. Not only does it require a lot of person-hours to do properly, but it also requires heavy domain knowledge and experience in the roles being screened.

In short, doing it right required a lot of internal experts’ time and effort, and these experts were already very busy. We needed to get them some help.

The Solution

Fortunately, Green Irony’s R&D team, armed with the most disruptive technology we’ve ever laid eyes on, was up to the challenge.

Using Green Irony’s OpenAI Connector for MuleSoft, our team delivered a set of APIs capable of providing a candidate rating against a job post, reasoning for the rating, and a set of questions to validate the candidate and ensure gaps are filled. This is all done real-time, triggered by a webhook integration on every inbound candidate submission and performed asynchronously, writing scores and other relevant contextual information back into our Applicant Tracking System.

Real-time integration allows us to quickly alert our team of promising candidates, enabling us to get in front of them faster. Our solution was driven by a belief in the “human in the middle” concept, so our goals are to arm our team with the best information, not to disqualify candidates based on an AI-only recommendation.

The secret sauce of the solution lies in a few key areas:

  1. Easy, connector-based connectivity into OpenAI, enabling us to focus on delivering and testing what matters for the use cases
  2. Prompt engineering and A/B testing of various prompts, ensuring we mitigate any hallucination issues and receive the most accurate feedback possible about every resume
  3. Working up an accurate job posting that is very clear about what success looks like and then parsing resumes for key information that is relevant to scoring against a job posting
  4. Fine tuning of the OpenAI AI model and continuously sampling results with our human experts, ensuring alignment between human ratings and feedback and AI-generated ratings and feedback (in progress)

The Results

  • Labor Bandwidth Savings: The AI provides a sophisticated scoring system that significantly reduces the time spent on evaluating each resume, from an average of 10 minutes to mere seconds. This labor savings comes from critical resources who are very busy with other work in a fast-growing startup.
  • Increased Interview Quality: The AI system offers detailed insights on each candidates’ strong matches and gaps in relation to the job description. This has resulted in stronger selections for interviews and reduction in the number of necessary interviews in half from an average of 6 to 3. Increased quality of interviews leads to increased quality of onboarded new hires.
  • Enablement of HR Resources: The contextual information delivered by our solution enables our HR resources to ask better, more technical questions to assess the quality of candidates sooner within our process. This results in a higher quality of candidate pool reaching our second interview stage.
  • Reduction in Recruiting Timeline: The use of AI allows for swift identification and rejection of unsuitable candidates, reducing time spent in the recruitment process. This has led to a 5X+ reduction in the amount of time we spend thinning 100 applicants into 15 for phone interviews, so we’re able to talk to better candidates more quickly.

Key Takeaways for AI

If someone would’ve thought of this solution 12 months ago, our first thought would be that it would take millions of dollars worth of technology labor investment to deliver because of how time-consuming machine learning is. 

The release of GPT-3.5 shattered this point of view. We now have access to an extensible LLM capable of performing this level of expert analysis with the right prompts and tuning. We’re in uncharted territory, and it’s up to leaders to find the right tasks for AI, tasks to take off the plates of overworked humans.

To us, our own resume screening process was the perfect type of scenario for delivering value with generative AI. We had a very tedious, time-consuming task that also required experts to perform it. This task was a scale inhibitor since not only does it require so much time that an organization like ours can’t possibly keep up, it’s also VERY important to get right.

Generative AI has been a revelation for our applicant screening process, and it’s just the beginning.

Digital Transformation

Turbocharging Spirit Airlines: The Power of Green Irony’s MuleSoft Expertise

The airline industry is synonymous with speed, precision, and efficiency. Spirit Airlines, a prominent player in this competitive sector, sought to optimize its operations by leveraging Springshot, a highly-regarded industry software. However, Springshot, in its original form, lacked the desired data streams for automation capabilities and advanced sensor connectivity, key features that Spirit Airlines envisioned for an efficient turnaround system. The task of transforming this vision into reality fell into the capable hands of Green Irony, a leading MuleSoft implementation consultancy.

The Journey to Enhanced Turnaround with Springshot

Springshot had untapped potential that Spirit Airlines recognized. The centerpiece of their vision was the software’s ‘Turn Time Mission Control’ functionality, which was poised to redefine Spirit’s aircraft turnaround operations.

This functionality, as the name suggests, is at the heart of managing and controlling the entire process of preparing an aircraft for its next flight. It encompasses everything from cleaning and restocking supplies to refueling and handling baggage. An efficient ‘Turn Time Mission Control’ system could drastically cut down the turnaround time, making airline operations significantly more efficient and cost-effective.

Transforming this functionality was no small feat. It required expert navigation through a maze of complex processes and systems, something Green Irony was perfectly equipped to handle. Their effective API strategy became the cornerstone of this transformation.

APIs, the building blocks of digital communication between different software systems, were used by Green Irony to weave Springshot together with other systems. This interconnection enabled a seamless flow of data and functions across platforms, creating an integrated digital ecosystem. By automating key aspects of the ‘Turn Time Mission Control’ functionality, they were able to eliminate manual inefficiencies and errors, significantly streamlining the turnaround process.

The Impact: A New Era of Efficiency for Spirit Airlines

The implementation of the revamped Springshot led to a paradigm shift in Spirit Airlines’ operational efficiency:

  • Decreased overall gate turn time: Automation and enhanced data visibility significantly improved the turnaround process.
  • Increased leadership visibility and process improvements: Executives gained a comprehensive view of turnaround operations, enabling strategic decision-making and effective process improvement strategies.
  • Reduced manual tracking: With Springshot’s automation, the need for labor-intensive manual tracking was greatly reduced.
  • Increased on-time flights: The efficiency brought about by Springshot resulted in more flights departing on schedule, leading to improved customer satisfaction.

The Green Irony Advantage: Beyond the Aviation Industry

The success story of Springshot at Spirit Airlines is not just an aviation industry triumph; it underscores the immense potential of Green Irony’s expertise across various sectors. Organizations seeking to integrate disparate systems for enhanced operational efficiency or to reinvigorate dormant software, often referred to as “shelfware,” can greatly benefit from Green Irony’s prowess.

By breathing new life into existing software, enhancing its value, and integrating it with other systems, Green Irony can create a robust, comprehensive digital ecosystem. This ability can significantly empower businesses aiming to revamp their digital infrastructure, optimize processes, and maintain a competitive edge in the dynamic digital landscape.

This transformation of Springshot serves as a compelling testament to Green Irony’s proficiency in understanding broader business objectives, maximizing the potential of existing systems, and integrating new ones to deliver superior business experiences. With Green Irony, the promise of digital transformation isn’t a distant vision, but a tangible, achievable reality.


NEW: Green Irony MuleSoft GPT-4 API Connector

Green Irony’s MuleSoft GPT-4 API Connector: A Game-Changer for Channel Partners and Their Customer Success

AI is A MuleSoft Anypoint Platform Game Changer

The world of technology is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and businesses are racing to keep up. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a driving force behind innovation, and companies are increasingly looking to integrate AI solutions into their operations. Green Irony is proud to announce our newest offering: the MuleSoft GPT-4 Connector. This innovative solution not only helps businesses capitalize on the benefits of GPT-4 AI but also streamlines system integrations and optimizes internal operational efficiencies.

The Value of the MuleSoft GPT-4 Connector in Your Roadmap:

Our MuleSoft GPT-4 Connector offers numerous benefits for channel partners and their clients:

Accelerate the AI digital transformation journey through api-led connectivity.

The connector integrates the powerful GPT-4 AI technology, enabling businesses to quickly leverage advanced AI capabilities and new functionality such as automation, advanced analytics, and intelligent decision-making. This rapid adoption helps companies gain a competitive edge in the market.

Optimize internal business processes and gain operational efficiencies.

Our GPT-4 connector provides the tools to harness the power of AI across all internal systems, driving improvements in collaboration, communication, and decision-making. By leveraging the connector, businesses can streamline processes and unlock the full potential of their teams, significantly closing the gap between them and their competitors.

Attract New Customers to MuleSoft Implementations By Combining AI and API Management to Deliver More Business Value

The MuleSoft GPT-4 Connector can serve as a powerful tool for channel partners to attract new clients who have not yet adopted the MuleSoft platform. By showcasing the GPT-4 connector’s capabilities and the potential for businesses to quickly harness the power of AI, channel partners can demonstrate the value of joining the MuleSoft ecosystem.

The seamless integration and connectivity provided by the MuleSoft GPT-4 Connector make it an attractive option for companies looking to unify their digital ecosystem and stay ahead of the competition. As a channel partner, this offers a unique opportunity to upsell the MuleSoft platform and its extensive suite of tools, expanding your customer base and driving growth.

Accelerate Your Clients’ Digital Transformation Initiatives with Green Irony’s GPT-4 Connector for MuleSoft

Green Irony’s MuleSoft GPT-4 Connector is a game-changing solution that can revolutionize the way businesses embrace AI and streamline their digital ecosystem. For channel partners, this offers an incredible opportunity to showcase the value of the MuleSoft platform, attracting non-MuleSoft customers, and expanding their reach. Embrace the future of AI with the MuleSoft GPT-4 Connector and empower your clients to thrive in the ever-evolving digital age.

Digital Transformation Platform Migration & Modernization

What’s the Difference Between an Implementation Partner & a Digital Transformation Partner?

Implementing new technology in your business can be a daunting task, but it’s essential for staying competitive in today’s digital landscape. However, simply implementing new technology is not enough to ensure success.

Think of implementing new technology without a strategic business plan like building a house without a blueprint. Sure, it looks nice and shiny on the surface, but it won’t function well in the long run.

That is why a strategic business plan that leverages your technology is essential to achieving your business objectives and maximizing your return on investment (ROI).

What does an implementation partner do?

When it comes to implementing new technology, the focus is typically on the technical aspects, such as installing and configuring so that your IT department can work through the basics or customize it accordingly. This is important since a successful implementation ensures that the technology is working as it should.

However, it’s not enough to stop there. Every business wants to get the most out of its money, especially if they are investing heavily in technology. This is why many businesses are asking, “What is a technology strategy?” 

What is a technology strategy?

A technology strategy is a comprehensive plan, often referred to as a technology roadmap, that defines:

  • The technology direction of the organization
  • The resources that will be required when configuring current or installing new software
  • Overall business actions that need to be taken to achieve the desired outcome.

It helps you to understand how the technology can be used to achieve specific business objectives, and identify areas where it can be applied to drive innovation and improve efficiency. 

Without a strategic plan, you may miss out on valuable opportunities to improve your business and impact your ability to stay competitive in the marketplace.

What is a digital transformation partner?

Digital transformation is a big buzzword. Companies want to be cutting-edge, they want to stay competitive, and they want to see a return on their investments. A digital transformation partner can help you with identifying and developing a strategy to fully leverage the technology to achieve your business objectives and maximize your ROI. 

They partner with you to help you understand the impact of digital technology on your overall business operations and create a comprehensive plan for how your technology can align with your business objectives. Digital transformation companies believe that software implementation is just a tiny part of the process, and that alone isn’t enough to be profitable in the long term.

Should I use an implementation partner or a digital transformation partner?

It depends. Implementing new technology is important for staying competitive in today’s digital landscape, but it’s not enough to ensure success. 

Depending on your unique business requirements, or if you have a technology roadmap already in place, an implementation partner may be the best option. However, if you don’t have a strategic digital roadmap in place, and you are looking to maximize your ROI for the long term, having a digital transformation partner may be the best solution. 

Don’t know which path to take? Download our checklist to find out if your business needs an implementation partner or a strategic digital transformation partner.

Green Irony News

Green Irony Revive: A New Offering to Help MuleSoft Customers Experiencing Failed Deployments & Flawed Integration Architectures

Green Irony has launched Revive – an offering tailored to help MuleSoft customers whose business objectives have been derailed by failed deployments and flawed integration architectures. This launch is a response to significant market feedback.

“Unfortunately, we’re seeing a large install base of MuleSoft customers where low-cost partners did not set them up for success. This is highly disappointing to us since we’ve always seen MuleSoft as a strategic platform that lets customers invest in solving digital transformation’s top technology problem: scalable systems integration. The approach of throwing under-skilled labor at a platform like MuleSoft without a foundation is counter-productive, and many customers have paid the price and missed high-level business goals because of it.”

– Aaron Shook, Founder & CEO of Green Irony 

Aligning with MuleSoft CONNECT 2022’s themes of innovation and driving business outcomes, Revive’s purpose is to rescue customers struggling to thrive and realize the full potential of their MuleSoft investment. The Revive program leverages state-of-the-art artificial intelligence to quickly identify all APIs within an enterprise’s IT environment and diagnose issues to quickly get customers back on track. 

Through the Revive offering, Green Irony’s team evaluates the customer’s existing architecture, utilization of MuleSoft capabilities, development best practices, and upcoming roadmap to maximize the use of Anypoint Platform with architectural patterns that meet business objectives. 

“Anypoint Platform is not a magic wand. Its true power lies in giving companies the ability to design APIs more strategically to align with business goals. By using artificial intelligence, Revive lets us quickly diagnose what went wrong and make recommendations for how we can get back on track. We’re very excited to help this underserved segment of the MuleSoft customer base realize their original visions of scalable, API-led integration fueling greater business agility.”

– Aaron Shook

Revive deliverables include a distillation of Green Irony’s findings through a platform assessment and an in-depth implementation plan that includes budget, resourcing, and timelines required to meet business objectives.

To learn more about Green Irony’s expertise, Revive, and other service offerings, visit

Digital Transformation Platform Migration & Modernization

How MuleSoft Creates a Composable Enterprise as an Extension of Your Core Business Applications

Staying neck-deep in integrations is not sustainable. A recent MuleSoft Connectivity Benchmark Report found that 98% of businesses are currently using APIs, yet 88% said that integration challenges are hindering their digital transformation efforts

With different approaches to tackling the challenges of modern-day integration scenarios, we’ve updated our popular whitepaper, The Value of MuleSoft Anypoint Platform, and added a new comparison case study: Adapt vs. Adopt: How MuleSoft Creates a Composable Enterprise as an Extension of Your Core Business Applications.

Adapt vs. Adopt: The Value MuleSoft Anypoint Platform whitepaper provides a perspective on build vs. buy from a lifetime of engineering experience into integration and middleware challenges that enterprises face today. The new case study provides even more depth into the value of investing in MuleSoft Anypoint Platform showcasing data that breaks down the total cost of ownership and impact on project velocity of adopting MuleSoft Anypoint Platform vs. adapting an existing API infrastructure.

Adapt vs. Adopt: A Comparison Case Study

It compares the journey of how two businesses, with identical requirements, addressed their integration challenges and the impact on corresponding feature rollouts. 

The comparison of the two approaches reveals how using MuleSoft resulted in:

  • 54% cost savings in the initial stages of API platform initiatives 
  • 32% cost savings for developing and deploying new APIs

Adapt vs. Adopt Whitepaper: Full Content Breakdown

  • Introduction
    • Why You Should Care About Integration
    • Green Irony Engineering & the Evolution of Integration
  • The Technical Landscape
    • The Dollars & Cents of Integration
    • Current Techniques & Challenges
    • Microservices, APIs & the Application Network
    • Project vs. Product & the Full Software Development Lifecycle
  • Bring Your Own Mule: Why Can’t I Just Build It Myself?
    • Reinventing the Mule
    • Advantages of Buying the Mule
    • Agility & Ability to Address Business Needs
    • The MuleSoft Approach
  • Staff & Expertise Needed to Execute
    • Skills Acquisition
    • Separation of Duties 
  • Total Cost of Ownership
  • An Adapt vs. Adopt Case Study: How MuleSoft Creates a Composable Enterprise as an Extension of Your Core Business Applications

Download this whitepaper to learn the benefits of leveraging MuleSoft AnyPoint Platform to manage the entire API lifecycle and extend your API infrastructure across your enterprise.