What’s the Difference Between an Implementation Partner & a Digital Transformation Partner?

Green Irony

Implementing new technology in your business can be a daunting task, but it’s essential for staying competitive in today’s digital landscape. However, simply implementing new technology is not enough to ensure success.

Think of implementing new technology without a strategic business plan like building a house without a blueprint. Sure, it looks nice and shiny on the surface, but it won’t function well in the long run.

That is why a strategic business plan that leverages your technology is essential to achieving your business objectives and maximizing your return on investment (ROI).

What does an implementation partner do?

When it comes to implementing new technology, the focus is typically on the technical aspects, such as installing and configuring so that your IT department can work through the basics or customize it accordingly. This is important since a successful implementation ensures that the technology is working as it should.

However, it’s not enough to stop there. Every business wants to get the most out of its money, especially if they are investing heavily in technology. This is why many businesses are asking, “What is a technology strategy?” 

What is a technology strategy?

A technology strategy is a comprehensive plan, often referred to as a technology roadmap, that defines:

  • The technology direction of the organization
  • The resources that will be required when configuring current or installing new software
  • Overall business actions that need to be taken to achieve the desired outcome.

It helps you to understand how the technology can be used to achieve specific business objectives, and identify areas where it can be applied to drive innovation and improve efficiency. 

Without a strategic plan, you may miss out on valuable opportunities to improve your business and impact your ability to stay competitive in the marketplace.

What is a digital transformation partner?

Digital transformation is a big buzzword. Companies want to be cutting-edge, they want to stay competitive, and they want to see a return on their investments. A digital transformation partner can help you with identifying and developing a strategy to fully leverage the technology to achieve your business objectives and maximize your ROI. 

They partner with you to help you understand the impact of digital technology on your overall business operations and create a comprehensive plan for how your technology can align with your business objectives. Digital transformation companies believe that software implementation is just a tiny part of the process, and that alone isn’t enough to be profitable in the long term.

Should I use an implementation partner or a digital transformation partner?

It depends. Implementing new technology is important for staying competitive in today’s digital landscape, but it’s not enough to ensure success. 

Depending on your unique business requirements, or if you have a technology roadmap already in place, an implementation partner may be the best option. However, if you don’t have a strategic digital roadmap in place, and you are looking to maximize your ROI for the long term, having a digital transformation partner may be the best solution. 

Don’t know which path to take? Download our checklist to find out if your business needs an implementation partner or a strategic digital transformation partner.