Digital Transformation

A Digital Transformation Guide for Enterprise Businesses

Companies focus on digital transformation to enable new product offerings and customer experiences through technology. This is being done through new technology, and/or upgrades to current technology, but the key with digital transformation is that these changes are happening at a massive rate. More businesses are relying on technology to solve their problems without assessing their business roadmap and processes to begin with. 

Digital transformation, which has been seen more over the last decade, was originally in reference to paper-based processes and transitioning those to digital processes. Since more companies have invested in technology, there will continue to be investments made in new capabilities that weren’t originally available to the average customer or employee.

What Digital Transformation Is for a Company Today

The need for enterprise-wide digital transformation originates from three major areas: 

  1. To improve the customer experience. 
    Most companies value this as a high priority and are fully aware of the issues and causes.
  1. To improve the experience of your employees.
    Unfortunately, not many companies value this as high as they should be, and may not be aware it is an issue. What most companies don’t realize is that improving the experience of your users can also improve the experience for your customers. 

  2. To grow revenue. 
    This is typically the biggest driver of them all.

What Drives Digital Transformation in an Enterprise

As mentioned: Revenue growth is the main driver for many enterprises. By leveraging digital transformation, businesses can tap into new markets, new channels, and create new product offerings. These are all things that can improve the customer and user experience, but also give you more revenue growth. 

Customer experience, employee experience, and revenue growth all build on top of each other. And as an added bonus, digital transformation can enable operational efficiency, which means being able to look at your operational costs, and how you leverage technology to accelerate business processes and offset any labor costs.

How Important Is Digital Transformation for Your Business?

Digital transformation is typically seen as a marketing buzzword or an umbrella term that is just in reference to technology. However, that’s far from the truth. If it was simple, businesses would be thriving across the globe.

What also falls under the digital transformation umbrella, and is a critical factor in truly leveraging the technology you have, is change management. IT doesn’t just solve the problem. A business must be willing to change its own processes to make for a successful shift into the new technology.

The most important part of digital transformation is how you leverage that technology and adopt new technology within the entire organization. The ability to succeed in digital transformation, and continue to grow as an organization, is dependent on business outcomes from customer and user satisfaction.

In order for change management to succeed, businesses must be willing to check egos at the door, innovate, and take the risk to move forward in order to survive. 

Benefits of a Good Digital Transformation Strategy

Customer Experience Improvements

If your business acquires a new piece of technology, you have to understand how it will affect the customer base in the present. You have to then integrate new technology into their lives, which takes a lot of time and planning upfront. You must meet your business objectives, but any digital transformation efforts must be thought of with the customer in mind. 

For example, if the number one thing that you’re trying to do is give your customers a new way to interface with your employees, like a chatbot service, then that should be at the forefront of your digital transformation roadmap. 

You should be solving for what is going to cause your customers the least amount of friction. For example, with a chatbot service, it’s imperative to keep contextual awareness front and center by integrating back-office data to the active chat so the customer doesn’t have to dig up details.

Employee Experience Improvements

The employee experience can be forgotten because the focus is completely on the customer. Businesses focus on them because they’re the ones that are ultimately paying the bills, but if you take a look at how your frontline support is better able to serve your customers a better experience, your employees are able to keep them. 

If you’re looking at digital transformation to help with the employee experience, you should be focused on how you can give them access to information without having to go into multiple systems. The majority of enterprises are going to be run over with hundreds of applications.

Every time you have an employee that has to swivel between these different applications to serve one customer interaction, the more the customer suffers, and the more the employee suffers.

Improved Business Intelligence Based on Real-time Data

Real-time data is a big problem for many companies that are actively pursuing digital transformation, and it stems from being unable to integrate their data properly. A key to measuring the success of your digital transformation efforts is to ensure that you focus on making your data not only available to the user but to the business users analyzing the data as well. 

Whether you have a BI tool today or not, having a strategy for storing and processing large amounts of data through a data lake or other means is a necessity to ensure your data integration is feeding those systems with accurate and timely data.

Either way, by having data integration and workflows on your side, digital transformation can inform decision-making instead of just guessing how to proceed and hoping for the best possible outcome.

Identify Barriers to Improve Profitability

This new piece of technology will feed into your business processes and feed into the overall health of your business. So how do you actually de-risk that technology investment you just made?

It’s more about making sure that it’s part of the conversation as you go on that digital transformational journey and making sure that it aligns with the business objectives of your organization. And that’s where your digital transformation strategy comes into play.

Building a Digital Transformation Strategy

What do you need to know before beginning your digital transformation journey?

  1. You’ll need to identify your vision or ideal technology scenario.
    All digital transformation requires the integration of data either into a new or an existing system. Or, there are going to be multiple new systems that need to enable a new employee or customer experience, and those systems must communicate with one another. 
  2. It doesn’t have to happen all at once…
    You can start a foundation of integration between these systems without having to roadmap your entire digital transformational journey. You have your vision and you can start to build that foundational layer of communication between applications.
  3. …But you don’t have to wait months or years to get started.
    Perfection is not the goal. You can still be on the path to achieving digital transformation without having all the answers. By defining your user experiences, you can then build on the foundation with an API or integration strategy that is ultimately going to support those new experiences and scale as you continue to learn from your journey.

Digital Technologies You Need for a Successful Digital Transformation

A CRM, Like Salesforce, As Your Single Source of Truth

Salesforce is not a CRM. It’s way more than that. Salesforce is going to give you the most benefit, especially when you’re looking at expanding your customer experiences, and most notably your employee experiences. 

Salesforce can give the information you need in a highly consumable way, especially when your employees interact with customers. Whether they’re in the sales process trying to understand the interactions that person has had across different marketing channels or across different data sources, that gives you a holistic view of your sales process all the way to your service side of customer orders, purchases, etc. 

And now when an employee communicates with that customer, they already know exactly what they need to know. The employee is able to do their job better and help the customer better. But, (isn’t there always a but?) that requires having information integrated into Salesforce.

As mentioned, technology isn’t a magic solution, but it’s how you leverage it that provides the solution you need. Your data will either be something that is integrated natively into Salesforce, or it is something that is integrated during the experience.

An Enterprise API Solution, Like MuleSoft, for Scalability

Digital transformation’s backbone is the integration of information, and whether that’s from offline processes to real-time interactions, iPaaS can help govern the outcomes you’re looking to achieve. It’s also about exposing new capabilities, and expanding on those capabilities. 

A single source of truth for your business users is always top of mind, but what about the single source of truth for the IT department and the data available for all applications? This is where MuleSoft fits in. Many enterprises use digital transformation as the catalyst to take on an API Strategy that will start to decompose their systems into a digital business through an iPaaS.

So if you’ve invested in an iPaaS solution, like MuleSoft, you’ve now created a space for you to continue to evolve that integration between those systems and add on new tools without having a large impact on the effort that has already been done.

You’re not looking to increase custom development. You need to accelerate that development and the integration between systems without having to bear the burden of writing a ton of custom code.

API Security Tools, Like Noname Security, for Preventing Cyber Attacks

Data breaches and cyberattacks are not news. We hear about them more than we would like, and it’s usually a problem that can cost millions of dollars. When you are going through the data integration process and you are opening up these systems, you are now creating a larger digital footprint, and therefore your attack vectors are growing.

As you build this connectivity between systems, it must meet the OWASP Top 10 Vulnerabilities, and be continuously monitored and managed by a platform, like Noname Security. You can’t expect humans to do this work, and you need a platform that can offset that cost and provide a better layer of protection that they can manage.

If you have an increasingly growing need for integrating other systems, it’s imperative to have a watchful eye in an automated fashion so systems like Noname Security protect your business. 

The Role of Automation in Digital Transformation

In digital transformation, automation plays two key roles:

  1. Looking at the manual tasks that exist today.
    The manual aspect of moving data from one system to another creates bottlenecks. If you are spending time updating account or customer information, you could look to automation to actually do that job for you. By doing so, you can avoid stalling your digital transformation journey due to a manual process that impedes progress toward a process that has already been transformed. 

  2. Unlocking business processes that were previously not capable.
    Let’s take, for example, the paper-based business model. If you’re not able to meet their customer digitally and you have a paper process as the preferred entry point, you could look at how to automate those forms that the customers are filling out. You have now digitally transformed this entry and kept your customers satisfied while optimizing your own employee experience.

These automations can be created as band-aids until you can transform that part of the business later in your roadmap or they can become the cornerstone of that transformation. The important takeaway here is that automation gives you that option and unsticks previously sticky digital transformation hurdles. 

Automation can solve many things:

  • Unnecessary time spent on manual data entry
  • Complex custom integrations
  • Closed platforms and siloed tech capabilities
  • Operational inefficiencies affecting your bottom line

However, with automation at the forefront of a lot of business roadmaps in a shaky economy, many leaders don’t want to take the risk. There’s a common misconception that it takes businesses more time to start automating than to stay with the status quo.

Our automation workshop helps businesses confidently meet short- and long-term goals.

How to Speed Up Digital Transformation Initiatives in Your Company

Prioritize Agile Digital Transformation Process Without Compromising Quality

Digital transformation shouldn’t follow the Big Bang approach. It must be broken down into the biggest outcome you can get with enabled digital experiences that produce a minimum amount of risk. 

Make sure you use the capabilities that are in the software you have invested in. During procurement, the users and business should be aligned on how they can transform to use the capabilities that are offered and avoid endless customizations before ever going live with the new tool.

And that’s not the end of your digital transformation journey. That’s just a milestone within that journey that you’ll continue to iterate from.

Can my business complete our digital transformation journey successfully on our own without outside help?

I would say no, and it’s not because you don’t have capable people or don’t have the will to do it. It comes down to two things:

  1. You’re already running a business and now you’re looking to transform it.
    That’s like changing the tires while the car is still running. It takes time, skill, and work, in addition to what you and your teams are already accomplishing. That’s where a consultancy comes in, to help expand your bench and leverage the right pieces of technology so you aren’t stuck in the day-to-day. 

    You are already running at full speed, you don’t want to settle for going backward and restarting to crawl-walk-run. These initiatives should get you to run faster and more efficiently.
  1. You’re dealing with pieces of technology that you haven’t had to deal with before.
    And it makes a lot more sense to bring on experts in that technology to guide you in the best way to use it and solve these problems instead of figuring it out on your own. 

Let’s face it, consultants are always right…or I mean the customer is always right. But why not both? You need to have the right partner to challenge you based on the experiences they have with the technology while also being willing to listen to what you WANT. That will build trust that leads to a successful digital transformation journey.

Selecting a Digital Transformation Company

Step One: find a service provider with expertise in enterprise technology transformation and successful digital transformation consulting services.

You know your business. Trust us to build the strategy built on sound technology principles and extensive digital transformation experience. We pride ourselves on seeing the big picture of your business so we can assess where you are at, build a strategic roadmap, properly architect the full enterprise solution, and engineer the solution leveraging all capabilities of your software investments to achieve your transformation goals.

Get your Free Digital Assessment here.

Also, stay tuned for our resource: Steps to Achieve Digital Transformation.

Digital Transformation Platform Migration & Modernization

Top Digital Initiatives for the Financial Services Industry

As financial service companies continue taking steps to transition to digital, it is critical to understand how today’s technological trends will shape the future of financial service operations and customer interactions. 

Integration challenges is the top bottleneck in the pursuit of digital transformation. Without sound integrations, financial services are at a severe risk of never accomplishing their required business objectives and staying competitive in the marketplace. 

Are you investing in the following digital initiatives? 

Top 3 Digital Initiatives for Financial Services

1. Using data as intelligently as possible

Data will still be prominent in all conversations and there will be more progress on how to use that data as intelligently as possible. There will be a transition from just collecting data and talking about the data but actually using data to answer important business questions.

Many businesses are breaking down data silos but the key will be having a strategy in how that data will be used in a more meaningful way that will create revenue-boosting opportunities down the road. With this newfound ability to create smart decisions with data instead of just focusing on storing all your data in one place, financial services (along with other industries), will have a clear understanding of where they need Customer 360 data to reside to create a holistic view at an enterprise level.

2. Enhancing customer communication 

A primary focus in the financial services industry is enhanced communication capabilities via modern platforms that are integrated into existing systems.

Business units require better ways to connect customer data, specifically multichannel chat and messaging services that allow for collecting information about a customer that can feed into their application processing. It’s not only more efficient for the customer, since many people are finding it more difficult to schedule time to wait and call customer service, but it’s also more efficient for your business because it increases your capacity to serve more customers at the same time. 

3. Increasing payment capabilities

Payment capabilities will continue to make huge strides. There are many financial services that still take checks in-person or drop off cash. Your business must be able to focus on integrating to a more scalable payment system and reconcile that data to their core systems without overhauling the entire accounting process. 

It’s all about using these enterprise back office platforms in conjunction with niche payment gateways that will help to streamline not only receiving money, but paying out money as well. Expanding your core platform through a proper integration strategy will allow you to gain agility in leveraging newer, more consumer friendly payment options that take the burden off your customers. Done right and you will be able to continue to add more payment options without needing to invest in costly upgrades to legacy platforms. 

Leveraging Your Data Ecosystem

The key to fully utilizing and leveraging enhanced communication options, payment capabilities, and using data as intelligently as possible is to ensure that you have a strategy to integrate this new data into your existing application ecosystem. Whether you’re using native integration capabilities from Salesforce or building a reusable API that manages data access through MuleSoft, financial services are at risk of falling behind the competition and missing the mark on key business objectives if they do not put a focus on growing their digital agility.

If you need to leverage your data ecosystem, Green Irony can help. We build technical solutions to fuel large-scale, impactful digital transformation efforts capable of rapidly moving the needle for your business. To learn more about our expertise and services, visit

Digital Transformation Platform Migration & Modernization

How to Ensure API Reusability – Keeping A Product Mindset for API Design

You may be using MuleSoft Anypoint platform as a project accelerator but how are you ensuring reusability of the APIs you are building?

We have all been there; if we just had a bit more time we could really make this feature solve more problems than just this one…but the reality is projects have a scope, budget, and time. These elements of a project usually pull at one another, create friction and ultimately force tough decisions. 

The MuleSoft Anypoint platform complements an API-led design approach and promotes reuse as one of its key benefits. In order to tap into that benefit, you need to ensure you are having a product mindset when designing your APIs even when those APIs are being created for a specific project. Even when scope, budget, and time are pulling against you the following three tips will help you keep a product mindset when designing an API to deliver to a project’s requirements.

Create A Control Use Case

Enable the technical team to think beyond an initial project’s implementation by working with the product team or stakeholder to create a tightly constrained scenario that the API design team can bounce potential scenarios against to ensure some level of reusability. The scenario should be based on future functionality that the product team believes will need to be addressed for a new audience. This is by no means scope creeping your project, but instead gives you another vantage point while designing the API. It will help drive more ownership of the APIs within your organization as it is designed for more use beyond a single project use case.

Let’s take an example for an eCommerce site where you are creating APIs to unlock better order management tracking capabilities for a refreshed site or new mobile app experience. What about considering giving access to these capabilities to your customer service team? As you are decomposing the requirements for the new customer experience, you could validate your approach on whether a Process API should be used or not. Or you could check the level of search capabilities that may be needed to be exposed from a System API. 

One other tip when picking a control use case, it is always helpful using a scenario that is for internal process enablement – the user base is a bit more well known. The idea here is to avoid endless what-if analysis on what the API could be and instead focus on what it should be for your project and at least one other iteration.

Speak Your Language

Turning legacy and third-party information into a language your company speaks now is a form of enablement that can be lost when challenged with project timelines. Taking the time to do so in your project will pay dividends for your organization. Work with the product team to create business entities that the technical team can emulate in their model. Creating entity relationships can help a development team ensure that consistency is honored between different API layers. Beyond the entities, the data itself needs an area of focus to bring the voice of your organization and avoid letting other systems’ naming conventions creep into your APIs. Any analyst knows the “fun” of data mapping exercises but beyond just mapping – really take a look at how you are identifying the information within your own organization. Traditional point-to-point integrations have an input and an output that you need to connect. Challenge yourself to add one additional column to the middle of that mapping for what your organization calls it and have that be the language spoken in your internal API application network.

A simple example of the zip code, you may have a legacy system that just says ”Zip“ and another new third party that calls it ”Postal Code“ but what does your organization call it? Find out and make that a consistent approach for your lower-level APIs. Let the Experience APIs be the place to deviate but your Process and System APIs need to be in your organization’s language.

Celebrate Your APIs

As companies scale and teams become more remote, information tends to suffer. Within Anypoint Exchange, discovery and publishing of API information is centralized in the same place to ensure you have all your APIs at your fingertips. But these APIs are only as good as the documentation that comes with it. Have you ever started out a project and were told that this integration was built by another team last year? You hunt through documents created from past project teams to hopefully find something that informs you of exactly what they integrated with and no clue what is accurate. 

Once your project is complete, take the time to document your API in a way that others can tell what that API is doing, where the data is coming from and what the expectations are so they can build their solution by leveraging your hard work. Not to mention, make sure you take a peak before you go and build your own API. I probably should have mentioned that earlier…

Take the steps to think beyond your project and create a more product-focused API, then celebrate your success by giving the API more weight within Exchange by adding details on how to use it and some working examples. Promote the use of your API by giving others guidance on what this API can do and what it could do. Let others be creative with the APIs you create.


Hitting a project deadline is never easy. These tips are to aid in the discussion, design, and documentation of APIs; they are not meant to add complex requirements to your projects. In order to adopt an API-led approach and maximize the benefits of MuleSoft, you need to spend more time in your API design. By taking the time to test your design against another use case, translate the data, and create meaningful documentation you will unlock more reuse potential out of your project delivery. With the MuleSoft platform being a development accelerator, hopefully, you and your team can use that additional time to focus on creating a more product-minded API.