Green Irony was founded in 2016 to support the vision of Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff: to apply technology for the advancement of business and stakeholders to better the world. There is a significant gap in helping customers realize this vision, and we are determined to close that gap by leveling up every interaction with our employees, customers, partners, and the broader community. As technologists specialized in integration and application architecture, we saw Salesforce as the best way to drive rapid business value to stakeholders.

Standard Open Content flex layout.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sed luctus velit, id feugiat nisi. Quisque at ante at arcu interdum tristique vitae eu justo. Aenean ac sollicitudin metus. Aenean consequat fringilla tellus sit amet iaculis. Nam mollis consequat sapien, vel posuere libero laoreet vel. Nullam porttitor enim eget molestie sagittis. Mauris euismod est id ante bibendum, non euismod neque sodales. Pellentesque est enim, consequat quis venenatis vel, condimentum id mi. In quis eleifend dui.

Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec et ultricies sem. Quisque nec efficitur arcu, non pulvinar sem. Sed augue orci, commodo non mi nec, imperdiet viverra nisl. Vivamus sit amet ipsum velit. Nulla vel sodales nunc. Phasellus viverra bibendum sem, eget pharetra purus pharetra ac. Donec viverra sem turpis, nec hendrerit nisi lobortis id. Ut sit amet ipsum eu est laoreet rhoncus.

Two Column, Content + Content flex layout

Maecenas sed sem et diam aliquam vulputate quis ac erat. Nunc id orci et diam pellentesque finibus non tristique elit. Cras lobortis libero ut nisl fermentum, ac malesuada enim placerat. Proin feugiat faucibus hendrerit. Mauris vitae tempus nisl. Mauris felis enim, sodales eu dui sit amet, faucibus iaculis ligula. Phasellus ornare consectetur tellus, at sodales metus malesuada vel. Etiam scelerisque facilisis malesuada. Donec tempus volutpat nisl, sit amet volutpat sem cursus eu. Mauris fringilla turpis sed nisi venenatis, vitae rhoncus mi porttitor. Cras in nisi at est pellentesque vestibulum vel eget mauris.

Maybe this side has a Hubspot form, set via shortcode?

In at euismod mauris, a tristique dolor. Aliquam quis elit quis nulla mattis maximus sed eget odio. Fusce vestibulum ex ante, quis vestibulum eros tempor sit amet. Aenean ultrices semper nisi in maximus. Sed imperdiet tristique sodales. Pellentesque sit amet rhoncus nunc, vel venenatis ante. Vestibulum facilisis sodales fermentum. Nulla id iaculis sapien. Pellentesque lobortis finibus tortor non maximus. Integer viverra interdum diam eu blandit. Curabitur lacinia sagittis neque, ac volutpat lorem fringilla in. In efficitur, nisi vitae porta fringilla, sapien mauris hendrerit justo, ac aliquet augue eros vel est.

Integer mattis erat ac orci tempus mattis. Phasellus vitae consequat mi, imperdiet accumsan nunc. Duis tincidunt consequat lorem. Duis pellentesque mi non ex pellentesque, nec fermentum orci congue. Suspendisse pharetra ullamcorper purus, euismod ultrices massa ultrices nec. Cras fermentum ex dolor, vitae pharetra erat mattis vitae. Duis condimentum sit amet sapien vel ultricies. Quisque non lectus at sem luctus imperdiet eget ac metus. Duis euismod rutrum leo eu volutpat. Vivamus tortor ex, accumsan vestibulum massa et, vestibulum imperdiet augue. Morbi neque mauris, vulputate a volutpat volutpat, sollicitudin id nibh. Phasellus erat felis, vehicula nec ligula vel, volutpat ullamcorper felis.

Leadership flex layout (this is not currently used in the GI site, I think)

  • Aaron Godby

    CEO & Founder

    Read bio

    Aaron Godby

    CEO & Founder

    Aaron began his career at IBM’s R&D department for the #1 Java middleware platform, IBM WebSphere. He quickly discovered that his passion was for helping customers solve their biggest technology challenges and pivoted to consulting, where he co-founded PointSource (now Globant) Raleigh in 2012 to focus on cutting-edge mobile technology as a digital transformation driver. 

    During his time at PointSource, it became clear to Aaron that without a scalable strategy for digital transformation, it’s impossible to achieve the customer experience and revenue goals needed for long-term business success. Green Irony was built to help enterprises overcome this challenge. Aaron founded Green Irony in 2016 with the mindset that status-quo thinking and a lack of focus on scalable technology investments hold enterprises back from achieving long-term technology goals.

  • Andrew Reddie

    VP of People

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    Andrew Reddie

    VP of People

    Andrew has consistently exceeded records for building high-performing organizations. His passion for leveraging emerging technologies to propel fresh ideas has been the hallmark of his executive career and continues to feed his ambitious nature for innovation and excellence. From envisioning new system architectures to growing revenue channels and cost savings opportunities, Andrew is passionate about people and shaping how organizations navigate technical, budgetary, and operational environments of enterprise complexity.

  • Kevin McAbee

    VP of Technology

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    Kevin McAbee

    VP of Technology

    Kevin has a proven track record in marrying mobile and IT digital solutions with business-specific strategies for many industries, ranging from Finance to Talent Acquisition. With more than 18 years of experience in enterprise architecture, application networks, agile methodologies, backend architecture, cloud technologies, and software architecture and development, Kevin’s passion for building successful, innovative products is what drives him every day. At Green Irony, Kevin creates long-term application network solutions on MuleSoft that fit the needs of their clientele in the financial services industry.

  • Chris Ketchuck

    Director of Engineering

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    Chris Ketchuck

    Director of Engineering

    Chris is an experienced architect who understands how to deliver value on the Salesforce and MuleSoft Platforms. He works with clients to build new solutions and evaluate existing implementations providing recommendations for improvement. At Green Irony, Chris is actively involved in learning new technologies, ensuring the team’s skills are current and maintaining high engineering standards.

  • Ron Reed

    Director of Strategic Services

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    Ron Reed

    Director of Strategic Services

    Ron has dedicated his career to seeing all the intricacies of requirements from users and systems to deliver successful technology solutions. His experience as a business analyst, product owner, and solution architect has given him a unique perspective to lead technology teams and balance value and risk for the client. At Green Irony, Ron guides clients to maximizing the MuleSoft Anypoint Platform & Salesforce Cloud offerings to better position them for creating solutions that unlock a more product-minded approach to the design and development of APIs and business process optimization.

Two Column, Content + Image Collage

This is a variant of the standard 2-column image/content layout, with a predetermined/pre-positioned 3-image circle collage

Green Irony was founded in 2016 to support the vision of Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff: to apply technology for the advancement of business and stakeholders to better the world. There is a significant gap in helping customers realize this vision, and we are determined to close that gap by leveling up every interaction with our employees, customers, partners, and the broader community.

As technologists that specialize in integration and application architecture, we saw Salesforce as the best way to drive rapid business value to stakeholders. This still holds true. However, with technology not slowing down any time soon, we expanded our enterprise into many other high-caliber platforms.

Our mission is to change how our customers think of delivering technology and enable them to achieve digital transformation and long-term success. We want to empower businesses to operate like a tech company and combine the advances of that operating model with their own. own. If they can integrate, enable, and scale, the sky’s the limit- even pigs can fly.

Two Column, Video + Content flex layout

Short video caption will go right here.